When participating global education programs or events, two key factors greatly influence what students could benefit — personalization and involvement. Learning Style Assessment is a very useful tool to achieve student’s personal learning. Communication Skill Assessment is to ensure that student has sufficient language and communication skills to ensure the engagement in the registered program. Both two assessments are strongly suggested to be taken annually.


When in the proper environment, the child would think and act more actively, thus it would be easier to develop such kind of skill domain. This is so called learning style.

Learning Style Assessment is to help educators and parents understand the great differences of children’s developmental skills under various situations, and thus to create environments suitable for their development.

Learning Style Assessment is focused on five critical domain developments – leadership & responsibility, literacy & social, logic & reasoning, aesthetics & creativity, and learning skills. The assessment finds out the best and worst situations for children’s development by evaluating five domain developments under various situations, so as to identify children’s learning style.


Language and fluency, interactive communication, and discourse management.